Thrift Baptist Church

Welcome to the Thrift Baptist Church website.
Come experience the "Thrift Excitement"

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Welcome to Thrift Baptist Church's website.  We're glad you're here. We're excited to show you all the marvelous ways God is working at Thrift Baptist church. Just use the navigation bars at the left to find out more about the wonderful ways that people are living their lives to the fullest as well as reaching out to others with life-changing truth. 
"His Passion - Our Purpose"


Service Schedule

Sunday School - Suspended
Morning Worship 10:30 am: In Person and Online (Facebook or YouTube)
Worship on Wednesday - Suspended


Thift Baptist Church

 8415 Moore's Chapel Rd
 Charlotte, NC 28214

 Phone: (704) 399-8437
 FAX: (704) 392-5435
 Pastor Phone: (704) 408-2413
 Pastor Email: 

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