Van Ministry: contact Joe Smith (980)
205-3860. Drivers wanted...
Christian Educational Ministries
Preschool/Children's ministry team
This is an opportunity to help children learn about Jesus
and His love for them at a time in their life when they are building personality and fiber. Teachers and parent helpers
for nursery through 5th grade join together to build a foundation of Godly character in children through Bible stories, drama,
music, and age appropriate Bible lessons.
2. Children's church
Sunday morning, following the praise portion of our worship services, the children depart to a room behind the sanctuary where
they are taught Bible lessons on their own learning level. Many activities are planned though the year for these children
who are building relationships with their classmates at the same time. It's a wonderful way to teach children about Christ.
3. Youth Ministry
Our church provides the highest quality possible in ministry for our
youth. Several times a year we take our youth to camp and many other spiritually enriching activities. Some pf
its just plain fun. Some of its intense worship. Most of it is challenging. We involve our youth in as much
ministry and worship as possible; including drama, music, and practical leadership. We take great pride in helping our
young people reach their greatest potential for Jesus Christ.
4. Sunday School Ministry
about impact. It's about passion. It's about life, and fellowship, and relationships. but most of all, it's about knowing
Christ and His will for our lives. It's about time! Come and shape the future.
Outreach Ministries
1. The WMU
Women in ministry is a vital
part of Thrift baptist Church. They learn, teach, and inspire others in the world of missions. They take the lead
in promoting and completing tasks necessary for our church to be a Great Commision church. These are compassionate,
hard working women who are always looking for other women to come and lend a helping hand.
The Men's program / Brotherhood
One of the most exciting ministries we offer is the new men's
program. Not only do the men go on spiritual retreats, but twice a year these men go to the beach for a wonderful time
of fishing and golfing. It's great fellowship, but the men of this church are rapidly becoming men of valor and for
God. It's a ministry to watch and become involved in.
Ministries of Worship
1. Pulpit ministries
Since we believe the Bible is the infallible, inerrant Word of
God and is profitable for all religious faith and practice. Not only is God's Word preached without compromise, it is
delivered in such a way that it is practical for daily living.
2. Media Ministry
world is rapidly changing and so is technologies. There are also opportunities in music, including the worship team,
the performing choir, and Audio recording.
3. Resource Center team
tape ministry at Thrift Baptist Church has the potential of becoming one of the greatest opportunities of getting the message
of the Gospel out to shut-ins, sick, and those who live beyond the driving area. Gene Reed heads up the media ministry
at Thrift.
4. Music Ministry
Thrift Baptist Church is privileged
to have Charles Williams as our music minister. Under his leadership, many other variations of music ministries are
available at Thrift;
a. Thrift Baptist Church Choir
b. Thrift Baptist Church Praise Team
c. Solos and Special Music
d. Children's Musicals
Additional Ministries
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Each Tuesday at 9:30, a group of men and women gather in the fellowship
hall for a wonderful time of fellowship and Bible study. Real life change occurs in small group studies. Step
out and be a part of this exploding ministry.
2. Small Group studies
we enter into another session of small group discipleship studies. This is a wonderful way to meet people and learn
and share your feelings with others. In the future we plan to embark into new territories in this exciting area of ministry.
We often offer classes for marriage enrichments, discipleship, the world of missions, and many others. Small groups
are wonderful in reaching people of all ages and ministering to their day to day needs.
Senior's Ministries
Fun! Fun! Fun! Our seniors are on the go. They take trips several times a
year to the beach, the mountains, shows and all kinds of fun places. Every second Friday of the month, (10 a.m.) our
Super Sixties program gather in the fellowship hall for a regular time of food, entertainment, fellowship, and fun.
This is an excitingly wonderful ministry and everyone's invited to join in.